Suggestions / Linux Support
TheScriptan 14.04.2014 18:45
Hello, it would be nice to see Rhynn running on Linux, I can get around this with emulators and wine, but still native rhynn version would be better!
STeeL 14.04.2014 19:28
Yep,i have some idea how to do it fully native with linux,but currently u can run it easily if u have openjdk or sun-java installed and for example gnome UI
you should download this version
TheScriptan 14.04.2014 19:45
Are you using ArchLinux?
STeeL 14.04.2014 20:10
TheScriptan,nope my first server have ubuntu,at local cumputer i have vm with debian and second server is win server 2012 for rhynn
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